Miscarriage: A Different Kind of Loss
Well this is a post I never thought I’d be writing! Sharing my story of an early miscarriage in the hope you won’t feel alone, or that you’ll understand what your friend, partner or someone you know is going through. I have written about loss before, after losing my Dad, but this is something very different. This was unexpected and brought more emotions than I could ever have imagined! One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage but so few talk openly about it. I felt so alone and unsure of what to expect. In just six days my world turned upside down and did a back flip. From a +…
Loss vs Life
Part One – Before The Loss I wanted to share a little of my journey through grief with you. Why?! Because I wish I’d have understood more about the grieving process before it started. Before I experienced the loss! Losing my amazing Dad has been the toughest, most self-defining time of my life. It made me question everything, it changed my view on life and it pushed me to confront fears I never knew I had. The Beginning We never saw it coming! June 2018, Father’s Day. Little did we know, it’d be our last! My Dad and I shared that day in a hospital observations ward. He’d had back…